Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kids in the Hospital

Here is Sarafina and Kervins. Sarafina is 11 years old and from a village in Cayes. She had seizures last week. The doctors still don't know why and so she is staying in the hospital for now. She said she feels fine but they still want to keep her for awhile just in case.

Kervins is 7 years old and from a village in Cassamajor. A bed fell on his leg a week and a half ago and smashed it up pretty good and broke the bone. He had both sides of his lower leg cut open and a cut on top of his foot. They stitched him up yesterday saying he should be able to keep his leg. Tonight I went and visited him and he still has a lot of pain in his leg. Hopefully he is up and running sooner rather than later.

Please keep both of them in your prayers!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Nathalie and I have been visiting an abandoned boy in the hospital for the past couple of weeks named November. We think he about 3 years old judging from his teeth. He is very small and could pass for about an 18 month old. He doesn't talk but understands almost everything. He also doesn't know how to express himself except through anger. We always know when he is thirsty or hungry because he starts hitting and biting. Nathalie has been supplying the hospital with diapers and water for him because normally the family would bring these items into the hospital. He is getting stronger and has been walking almost everyday with the help of others. However he still has an abnormally large stomach and a ways to go to get completely healthy. Please keep him in your prayers as he continues to heal physically and psychologically.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More Sunday School pictures

Here are some more pictures of the adorable little ones that attend our weekly Sunday School. This week in addition to the four blankets we gave out four kites left over from a recent group.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Agape Orphanage in Camp Perrin

Through the IFRP program, we are able to hand out 25% of the food we received for earthquake relief. I heard about an orphanage that used to be in Port au Prince but had to relocate after the earthquake to Camp Perrin. One of Espwa's director had checked it out and asked if we could gift them some food. So Friday we took 12 boxes of food to these 36 girls. The food will give them at least one meal a day for about 20 days. They are hoping to be able to move back to Port au Prince but that could take awhile.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A day at the beach!

Yesterday Fritz and I went to Port Salut to chill for a little while. The beach is beautiful and had lots of people. Well just like at any big gathering (especially Iowa State Fair) you find all kinds of people. This particular guy caught my attention because of his bright red Elmo hat, elbow pads, knee pads, shoulder pads, and to top it off.... a life vest!

Attn: Lauren, Amy, and Allison... see my style isn't so bad now is it??

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Here is sweet little Benito! He got hit on the head the other day and so Ryan brought him in to change his bandage. He then decided to give him this neat little hat to help keep the bandage on and clean.

Benito is another little one that always greets you with a smile, he doesn't run up to me as often as he used to because he's getting older and has more important things to do :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday School update

Yesterday was another great day with the little ones in our Sunday School! One of the neighboring Pastor's gave me a book with Bible stories with pictures!! Finally a children's story book in Creole!! We put it to use right away yesterday. The teachers were all excited as we only have one Bible that we share. Afterwards in our weekly meeting I shared more camps that I learned from being a camp counselor at PRUMC. I will be giving you picture updates on those next week! For now heres a couple of photos I took of my guys teaching our littlest ones about Jesus.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Here is my little friend Kensley! He greets me with this smile everyday! He is Janey's best friend and they are a handful when they are together! This little one smiles from head to toe and its hard not to smile when you see him. I am so thankful for him and his hug every morning.

(Hey Mom, remember when I used to flip my eyelids inside out and think it was hilarious.... Kensley does the same thing to me now... just think he could grow up to be just like me!)

Happy Birthday FM!

Here are a couple photos of the Sunday School kids coloring Happy Birthday cards for Father Marc. They were adorable and in both Creole and English! When Father Marc came over to recieve them we also were able to sing Happy Birthday along with a couple other solos.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

IFRP Distribution to Camp Perrin

Yesterday we were able to make our second distribution to Camp Perrin. The kids loved the food and asked us to come back with food everyday. They also sang some beautiful songs and welcomed me. Going back to Camp Perrin really made my day. I felt so loved and welcomed that it really picked up my spirits a lot. It helped me to remember why I am in Haiti. Here are a few pictures of the wonderful kids.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Quilts from Faith United Methodist Church

As a reward for good behavior, four students each Sunday receive a handmade quilt from Faith United Methodist Church in Monmouth/Baldwin.

The kids loved them and very carefully folded them back up to take home after the picture. It is easy to tell they will be cherished! Thank you to all who took part in making them!!