Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Lately all I have been doing is attending and setting up meetings!  At least that is what it seems like.  We have gotten together and started to figure out what needs to be done to really jump start this grant.  We have been making due without any funding so far, but hopefully that changes!

Sunday School went well again last Sunday.  I am really excited that the kids are going to be getting more out of their time with God each week.  Last Sunday we gave them crackers and my helpers have notified me that our numbers will increase this week because of it.

This morning I made hash browns and eggs for breakfast!  I am finally starting to get used to my apartment and feel more comfortable in it.   Last night Tigre, one of my friends made a meal for Fritzner, Jah Roro, and myself.  It was fun and it was like a rice stir fry he learned to make by working for Father Marc. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back in Haiti

I have been volunteering/working in Les Cayes, Haiti since January of 2008 off and on.  I love the kids here and I really enjoy doing what I feel God has called me to do.

Right now I am working on a couple different projects.  I am down here mainly because of a PEPFAR grant to do HIV/AIDS prevention education.  However I have just started a Sunday School Program for our youngest boys, ages 6-8.  We started our first class last Sunday and had about 75 little boys.  We learned the Creation story and had fun coloring and singing.
Since I first came here I have been doing small English classes.  Right now I have about 7 boys in my advanced class.  They are starting to do really well and really love learning.  If I have time I want to start another beginner class.