Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What is Pwoje Espwa

On the plane ride back to Iowa, all I could think about was Espwa.  I kept thinking of the family that is has grown to be for me.  I really can't describe to you the feeling each day when kids come up and hug and kiss you and the love that I have for them.  I guess parents would understand, and maybe that is just how I think of myself, and a mother to these children.  It has been the biggest culture shock yet coming back into the States.  Everything here is so fast and busy.  The first time I see everyone they say hi and then rush off to do whatever it is they need to do.  I understand, but it just makes me wonder why I want this life, or if I do?

Maybe I am just missing my kids, maybe I expected more of a welcome home, or maybe my heart is right and God really wants me to be back home at Pwoje Espwa.  My home here in Iowa is beautiful and luxurious, it has warm showers and plenty of chocolate.  But it is missing something, its missing the boys, their love, its missing purpose.

Haiti has stolen my heart, mwen sonje ou Ayiti

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