Saturday, May 16, 2009


Back in Iowa.  I seem to have two homes now, and sometimes it's amazing, but sometimes its very difficult.  I miss everyone back in Haiti, I even have been tempted to buy a ticket and go back.  But I realize that there were reasons I came back and I need to stick to my decision.  

It has been nice to see family and friends again. The internet has been wonderful and I am even ahead of schedule on my classes instead of constantly behind.  So I can't say that I don't like being back and taking nice hot showers!  However I am constantly thinking of Haiti and remembering everyone that is there at this moment.  I think part of it is that my relationships with them are so new and still fragile, whereas I know I can always come back here and re-connect with my friends and family.

Lord, help me to know I am doing what is right in your eyes.  Help me to see what it is that you want me to be doing and where because that is where I know I will truly be content.  Mesi.

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