Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Meet Litan

Here is one of Father Marc's boys. He has been with Espwa ever since I first came to stay in January 2008. When I first met him, we didn't hit it off, and by that I mean he really really didn't like me. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I know that it had something to do with me not giving him everything that he requested, whether it be my ipod or crackers.

One specific encounter I remember is when I was watching Fritzner coach soccer and he stood directly in front of me telling me to return to my country because no one liked me. There were a few other things he said but I don't need to mention those. Needless to say when I come back to Haiti he isn't the first child I run to meet.

Upon returning to Haiti this year I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by Litan with a hug and a hello. I have learned that Litan is now in a rap group called B Cross. He is doing rather well and no longer glares at me or tells me to leave his country.

Stories like his are very common at Espwa, a child comes and has many issues and once they find their niche they start to really bloom. This is one of the many reasons I love it here and continue to come back!

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